Thursday, March 22, 2007

mobile blogging?


Is this really necessary? I barely have the patience to send someone a text message (I blame my man hands for this). When I clicked on the instructional thingy to see how/why one would use mobile blogging I found a little cartoon comic strip explaining possible scenarios that might cause the impulse to blog from your cell phone. The comic strip follows a girl in a restaurant who spots a UFO, snaps a shot of it with her cell phone and quickly posts it on her blog via cell phone. That seems like a lot of work to me. And I can't really say that if I were to see a UFO my first instinct would be " I can't wait to blog about this."

In other news,

I happened to stumble across a blog which I probably shouldn't have been reading. I couldn't help it though. It was so fascinating. Entry upon entry upon entry. I felt somewhat connected to this person who barely knows me. Am I creepy? I mean, I suppose one blogs in order for people to read what they are writing. But I felt like I was reading some one's diary.
But if you are going to post personal shit on a live journal, then I guess you understand that people you don't really know are privy to more information about you than they should be. I guess that's the point?

To be honest I began to feel a little connected to this person. I feel like they are in the head space i was in last year, humming and hawing over the same things and people I was. It was also weird to see the overlap between our lives; to read an entry about a situation you were both in through their perspective.
At one point I wanted to lend a helpful comment, but for obvious reasons I didn't. Also, thinking back to where I was I know I wouldn't want to hear advise from someone like myself. Besides, it's none of my business.

I wonder if that person would even stumble over this.

It's L's birthday this weekend. I haven't seen him in over three weeks and that feels like a really long time. I'd give anything right now to not be in this broken, single bed at 3:44 am restless and awake. I want it to be summer quite badly. I just don't think I have the strength to make it to the end of the year. I still have so much work to do...I don't know where to find the motivation and energy to complete it all. This seems to always happen to me though. I leave everything to the last minute and never do as well as I probably could have if I started earlier. i am so utterly jealous of those who can complete things before they are due. I used to be one of those people.

Maybe it's because I couldn't give a fuck anymore.


Gilded said...

I read so many people's blogs without their awareness.
Like this one for instance.
I feel that if they post it, it's fair game. You're putting it out there, I can read it.
Plus, in my case, if they've ever spoken to me, they've heard all of my same garbage verbally.

luke said...

whenever something weird happens to me, "i can't wait to blog about this" is one of my first reactions. that may just be because of the nature of my blog though, and how often i sit here at the end of the day thinking for like 15 minutes about a decent entry to post.